Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Working Smarter

What would it be like to suddenly be a lot smarter? One day you realize that you have access to a plethora of information that previously you didn’t even know existed. You view and listen to this new medium for awhile, and you come to understand that you don’t have to be a spectator; you can contribute to this sea of knowledge. You participate; you wade in, and…. you swim. You are not just seeing and hearing a sea; you are now a part of a vast ocean, yet you are very near to anyone in the water, feeling and affecting the currents as you converge and collaborate. Welcome to the world of social media.

In its infancy the internet was used primarily as an encyclopedia, a means of accessing information; then it became possible for average people to create and distribute content. Now, through social media, people are able to share knowledge, collaborate and develop plans and solutions.

Facebook has emerged as the social web site of choice. Seventy three percent of adult profile users have Facebook accounts; in May, Facebook, had 450 million users and is adding a million new users each day (read more at Pew Reports).

The enterprise of today must navigate in a complicated world with enormous demands for knowledge. It is increasingly difficult for employees to acquire and retain all of the knowledge they need to perform their jobs in the dynamic work environment of today. Facebook can serve as a useful tool in maintaining and accessing a network of knowledgeable contacts, enabling one to benefit from the “Wisdom of the Crowds.”

It would be interesting to learn of specific Facebook profile attributes or applications companies might be using to develop a network of knowledgeable people.