Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just because we can doesn't mean it's a good idea

The Latest and Greatest

I wonder how many people will see this video and actually believe Apple has developed such a product, or even try to rush out and buy the “latest and greatest.”It’s hard to say what technology or innovation people will embrace. Texting still amazes me; yes, I can see where it can be useful from time to time to send a text when you don’t need an immediate, reply or it is not convenient for you or the other party to talk, but Alexander Bell and all phone people since have worked hard so people can talk as if they are side by side, and now everyone wants to type out a messages. I've seen my teenagers ride in the backseat, plugged into their ipod and texting while a friend rides beside them doing the same thing. Are they texting each other? Is that progress? How is it impacting verbal skills? Just because we can doesn't mean it's a good idea. Now Micro Soft is pushing soft phones (software phones on the computer)more here. Do we really want our pc to be our phone? Do we want to point-n-click to answer and dial? How do you feel about sharing your headphone with everyone who needs to use the ‘phone’ in your office? What if you don’t notice and your pc updates while your own an important phone call? Do you get as much satisfaction out of slamming a mouse as you do a phone receiver (and will PETA get you if you do slam your mouse)? Maybe this convergence of communication platforms is a good thing; maybe one device will be able to serve all our communication and computer needs. What will it look like: a mini pc, a big blackberry or iphone, how about a pilot’s helmet with a hud display and com links? Just because we can doesn't mean it's a good idea. What so you think?

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